Test Kitchen Afternoon

When you live with food allergies or intolerances, but are a foodie you “pin” a lot of recipes that ultimately take your time and money but return you no satisfaction and hit the delete & fail pile. But every now and again I get lucky and things work…sometimes really well! Test kitchen days are for those opportunities that are out there – the diamonds in the rough.

Today, I tested two new to me recipes from Jennifer Robins – PredominantlyPaleo.com: LEGIT Grain-free Bread and Paleo Cheese. (I also whipped up some quacamole because I needed a snack – yum).

Both recipes worked as intended – 2 for 2 is an amazing test day! I admit the cheese was a bigger win for me than the bread, but I feel the bread is worth playing around with to find my right recipe as it does many things better than other “breads” I’ve attempted.

LEGIT Grain-free Bread

Pros: It looks great, cuts well, and is nice and moist but not sticky moist.

Cons: For me, the taste and texture are more of a dessert bread style. I plan to reduce the maple syrup/honey in the next batch and see if that makes it more savory tasting although not sure it would adjust the texture.

Paleo Cheese

I made the nut version and have yet to try the nut free recipe variation.

Before I tasted it or cut it, it reminded me of Velveeta, and honestly I feel like Velveeta is a great description – cuts like Velveeta, texture and softness of Velveeta, dare to say a similar taste (in a good unprocessed way).

I cut cubes at first and just ate them straight – tasty and a great taste I hadn’t enjoyed in some time.

THEN…a brilliant idea came to me – see how it does for grilled cheese!

The LEGIT Bread toasted perfectly, but it still had that sweet taste that didn’t do it for me. However, as you can see below the cheese melted and worked really well 🙂


I am now wishing I had some of my favorite gluten free breads in my house so I could make a perfect grilled cheese (gluten and dairy free of course). I just might have to order some Bread SRSLY real soon!

Sounds like a review post about my find with Bread SRSLY is coming soon…

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